UK Government Taxation Increases

UK IGU Manufacturers will now be paying even more to stand still thanks to the new UK government’s 1st budget. And what real innovative solutions are actually available to our IGU Manufacturers to even begin to address this ever-increasing cost of IGU production?

Back from Glasstec 2024

Feedback is increasing in volume from glass industry stalwarts regarding recruitment & retention of labour.

The Fit Show 2025

We look forward to showcasing our increasing range of robotic and automated solutions including our industry leading and process patented GS-MR PRO:Load which has reached the final of the 2024.

GS-MR J-LAM Launch

GS-MR J-LAM The Jumbo Laminated Sheet Automated Inspection Process, Designed by GS-MR Robotics for a global glass manufacturer.

Keeping You Ahead of the Automation Curve

It is exciting how in 2024 the multiple benefits of robotic glass loading onto IG lines are now openly being recognised and discussed throughout the global glass industry.  In 2018, shortly prior to GS-MR Robotics being established, Robert and Paula Owen were busy designing automated solutions, one of which would become GS-MR;s unique global solution for cost effective, automated glass loading.

Introducing the GS-MR Pro:Seal

Looking to achieve a more rapid, consistent, yet accurate application of your IGU sealant whilst significantly reducing wastage and rework?